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Lindy Youth Lax - COVID-19 Safety Plan

Covid Safety Plan

Response to Covid-19 Warnings, Risks and Precautions:

Lindy Youth Lax Inc. first priority is the health and safety of all our participants, spectators, staff and attendees. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and keep everyone updated about what we feel is the best course of action. Should the event take place the following are some risks warnings all attendees should be aware of.


  1. It is suggested that seniors or others with compromised immune systems not participate in or attend this event due to risk of infection.
  2. Do not enter if you are exhibiting any signs of illness such as sneezing, coughing, sniffling, have a fever, or generally are just feeling unwell.
  3. All players, staff and spectators should practice responsible social distancing by remaining at least 6 ft apart whenever possible.
  4. All players, staff and spectators should wear PPE such as face masks whenever applicable
  5. Wash your hands and or use hand sanitizer upon entrance, during the events and before and after you eat, and as you leave
  6. Avoid touching your face including your eyes, nose and mouth
  7. Public restrooms should limit occupancy to one person at a time.


The following are steps we expect all players, spectators and coaches to take before, during and after attending the event to mitigate the risks of spreading any germs or sickness: 


  1. Social Distancing: All players, coaches, staff and spectators should practice social distancing of 6 ft wherever possible especially in common areas. Of course, this won’t apply to players while engaging in their games
  2. Temperature Checks: Players and spectators are expected to take their temperature before leaving their house and they should remain home with any reading of 100.4 Fahrenheit or higher according to CDC parameters.
  3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): All coaches, staff, players, and spectators should wear PPE such as face masks and gloves whenever applicable
  4. Water: Water will not be placed on fields, players should bring water bottles with them for the duration of the tournament and should not share with any other individuals
  5. Restrooms: It is recommended that rest rooms should have a limited capacity of one person at a time
  6. No Handshakes/Celebrations: With social distancing practices, players and coaches should refrain from handshakes, high fives, or any celebrations that could result in contact

The following are steps Event Staff will be taking before, during, and after attending the event to help mitigate the risks of spreading any germs or sickness: 


  1. It is required that all who attend our event wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as a mask. Those who are not wearing any PPE will be offered masks to wear or kindly asked to leave the facility.
  2. We ask kindly that you limit the number of spectators who will be attending the event. Each player should be accompanied by no more than 2 people to help limit the size of crowds and to mitigate the risks of contracting Covid-19.
  3. There will be no communal water jugs placed on fields, sidelines or water fountains available for use during the event. The same goes for any food vendors or snacks that were previously distributed, there will be no food or food vendors provided. Please come prepared with water bottles, and do not share used drinks with others
  4. Additionally there will be no concessions or vendors at our event to limit the gathering of crowds or close interactions between people.
  5. Before the start, and following the end of each game played, to the best of our ability staff will attempt to disinfect and clean surfaces such as scoring tables, and tents to help keep the facility as sanitary as possible.
  6. Masks will be available for those who forget or lose theirs

Please note, all above steps to mitigating risks will be enforced to the best of our ability. We do retain the right to ask those who are not complying with these health and safety precautions to leave the facility.